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Biscuit Innovation Center, Skovlunde

Skovlunde, Denmark

We make your ideas for dough and batter products ready for the market. With 2000 m² of space to work in, we test processing steps and refine recipes. Our innovation team has a broad range of practical experience within the food industry. 

We can help you find ways to distinguish yourself from your competitors. The Biscuit Innovation Center is fitted with mixing and aeration equipment, as well as depositing, extruding and wire-cutting machines. A rotary molder and various ovens are also at your disposal for testing.


Facts about our Biscuit Innovation Center

2000 m²
Workspace for innovation
We support you with a complete cookie line and a fully equipped cracker line, additional equipment and our own expertise.
Food technologists and a fitter
Our technologists are at your service, from the first idea to the finetuning of your products during comissioning of your plant.
Days per year
Our Biscuit Innovation Center supports and trains you all year long. We spend most days sharing our expertise and conducting tests.

How to find us

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+45 77 42 92 00

Tonsbakken 10

2740 Skovlunde
