Information Security


Information Security


Information, data, processes, information systems and networks are vital for Bühler’s business, our customers, and our business partners. Protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information becomes even more important as more business processes are digitalized. Bühler runs an Information Security Management System (ISMS) which is certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013.


General Information

You can find more information on how Bühler manages information security here


On January 16, 2023 the NIS2 directive entered into force. European Union member states must transpose the NIS2 into national law by October 17, 2024, by which time the in-scope entities must be in compliance. For more information on Bühler's view of the NIS2 Directive and how we are aligning our cybersecurity practices to meet the requirements, click here.


ISO 27001 certificates:

Cybersecurity Advisories

Information and advisories concerning vulnerabilities of Bühler products and services.


Vulnerability Reporting

Information about reporting of security vulnerabilities in Bühler systems, products or services can be found here.



For other information security related topics you may contact the information security team via e-mail.