
Harnessing the power of digital


Harnessing the power of digital

As the challenges facing our planet grow, so does the need for game-changing solutions. Harnessing the power of digital technology means we can address vital issues such as food safety, transparency along the value chain, energy conservation and waste reduction more efficiently than ever before.

Digitalization has the potential to revolutionize almost every aspect of the food, feed and mobility industries.

The future is here

The internet of things (IoT), cloud computing and other innovative digital technologies are transforming the way the world works. Bühler aims to be at the forefront of this transformation.

Increase productivity

More than 85 % of our solutions can be accessed via a single, secure platform, taking productivity to the next level. For our customers, this is like having your best operators working around the clock.

Cutting waste and energy

The ability to instantly transform data into real-time action means that unplanned machine downtime, and the wasted energy that goes with it, may soon be a thing of the past.

Digitalization will soon create an unprecedented level of transparency, making production processes and products fully traceable. This will increase safety and help build trust along the entire value chain.

Johannes Wick,
CEO Grains and Food

Bühler automation

With Bühler automation systems, food manufacturers can fully automate their tracing process. This helps to reduce the administrative work up to 80 % compared to manual tracing and ensures the delivery of seamless trace information for an audit within a few minutes.

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