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Join the CUBIC Start Hub Program

You are founder of an early-stage start-up, and you want to work out a sound use case with a leading global industrial company within three months? And get the unique chance that this will result in a pilot project? Then look no further!

For three months you will have access to our experts, infrastructure, and network to develop a use case with our support. This is a unique opportunity to meet with potential customers and decision makers, to discover their needs and lay a solid foundation for your future success.

After three months, you will have the opportunity to present your use case to a Bühler jury. If you inspire us, we will be pleased to offer you the opportunity to work with us on a pilot project. If you are not yet at the point where a pilot project can be implemented, the use case we develop together with you can show you new ways of doing things. We will be happy to support you further and open new doors for you. 

Does this opportunity excite you?

Then don’t miss the chance and apply today with a concrete use case. With a bit of luck, you will be invited to a pitching session in the CUBIC in Uzwil on September 7, 2021. We are looking forward to meeting you. 

Any questions? Feel free to reach out to Marcello Fabbroni, Director Innovation Center, marcello.fabbroni@buhlergroup.com.

Talking about innovation with Bettina Hein, Marc Stampfli and Karl Müller

CUBIC Start Hub Program Ambassadors

Bettina_Hein.jpg Bettina_Hein.jpg Bettina Hein, CEO juli AG
Anyone can be an entrepreneur. All you need is naïveté, chutzpah and perseverance.

Bettina Hein,
CEO juli AG

Collaboration between startups and companies is becoming increasingly important because in a dynamic market environment, innovation, agility, quality and networking are more important than ever – together, both add value and benefit mutually.

Jakob Gülünay,

Jakob_Gülünay Jakob_Gülünay Jakob Gülünay, Entrepreneur
Martin Widmer Martin Widmer Dr. Martin Widmer, Serial Entrepreneur in Media, Internet & Advertising
Bühler's initiative connects startups with established corporations, deliberately breaking up established structures in the R&D process and value chain, and therefore creates value.

Dr. Martin Widmer, Serial Entrepreneur in Media,
Internet & Advertising

Just as children inspire us to look at the world differently, startups see solutions in tomorrow's problems. I am convinced that when companies offer "resources" to startups, a WIN-WIN situation will be the result.

Karl Müller,

Cubic Cubic Karl Müller, Entrepreneur
Christian_Naef.png Christian_Naef.png Christian Naef, Entrepreneur
For large corporations, collaborating with startups is the best way to combat disruption. This creates a clear win-win situation which can quickly lead to incredible results. For this reason, more large corporations should follow Bühler's example and support the new generation of entrepreneurs.

Christian Naef,

Bühler is bringing back the roots of innovation to Switzerland with their unique approach. Their way to collaborate with the best people and open their network to start-ups is of high value. Moreover, it shows their commitment to innovation as a role model.

Marc Stampfli,

Marc Stampfli, Entrepreneur

Our organization

Being a Swiss family business in the fifth generation, Bühler and its leaders are oriented on values such as trust, respect and sustainability.