Header product
Moulding line


Designed for chocolate enthusiasts, our ChocoOne meets all the requirements for flexible small-scale production with maximum product quality.

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Key benefits

Easy to operate
The established loose-mould principle is designed for 24/7 production but still ensures an easy and intuitive operation with full remote service capabilities.
Proven technology for highest efficiency and reliability
Our ChocoOne is our smallest solution for industrial production without any compromise on flexibility.
Wide variety of different end products
Pralines, one-shot products, bars and tablets - with or without inclusions - can all be produced in any shape. The proven technology of our PowerShot depositor with fast change over ensures a high flexibility for end product diversification.

Highlight features

PowerShot depositor

One line – various product combinations

From milk, white or dark chocolate, combined with inclusions such as nuts, crispies, powders or liquids – you can deposit it all! PowerShot deposits with the highest accuracy and ensures the fastest changeover intervals in class. The integrated one-shot functionality also enables the production of a wide range of center-filled articles.

Expert services

Bühler is your solution partner anywhere, anytime

Remote Care makes it possible to access service remotely in times of unprecedented malfunctions; increasing uptime and securing operation 24/7. Furthermore, you can get the most out of your line: turn it into a connected product and join the world of Bühler Insights. It brings transparency to your process and machine data – with individual dashboards displaying your most important KPIs.

Key topics

Billions of people come into contact with Bühler technologies to cover their basic needs for food and mobility every day. Our motto is creating “innovations for a better world.” Find out more about our key topics.

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