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Continuous dough extruder


The ContiMix continuously produces doughs for various end products such as croissants, biscuits and more. It unifies the mixing, kneading and pressure/vacuum treatment in one process - improving your end product quality, while cutting production costs.

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Key benefits

The potential to eliminate process steps
Depending on the end product you can eliminate equipment in the downstream process, saving you process time and investment costs.
Customized dough characteristics
The ContiMix unifies mixing, kneading and pressure/vacuum treatment in one process. The process control allows you to precisely modify the elasticity and plasticity based on the recipe.
Top quality for your end products
Dough produced with ContiMix provides the essential conditions for improved volume and crumb structure. When producing doughs with butter or margarine, the precise temperature control during the process also improves the taste of your baked goods.

Highlight features

Process optimization

Continuous product flow

A closed processing zone ensures a continuous product flow according to the first-in-first-out principle. This helps to make production more efficient and to increase food-safety.

Shorter production times

Higher quality product, created faster

The mechanical, thermal and pressure/vacuum treatment generates a consistent, homogeneous dough with high plasticity. The extruded band retains its shape, reducing product rejects. The dough is immediately ready for your next production phase, which can significantly shorten your entire production time.

Simplified process

The potential to cut out process steps

Depending on the end product you can eliminate equipment in the downstream process, saving you time and capital investment.

Thanks to the continuous mixing, kneading and forming, we obtain a perfect structure of the dough, at any moment in the production.

Roberto Strabello,
Operations Manager, Forno d’Asolo, Italy

Due to unique design features such as the closed process chamber, ContiMix offers you the highest food safety standards, as well as easy cleaning and servicing.

Using our global experience across bakeries, we can customize your solution to meet your precise requirements. Our experienced engineers can help you plan, implement and support new technology to improve the quality, efficiency and safety for your plant.

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