
Smart pump management for your Carat machines

The Smart Pump Management retrofit for your Carat die-casting machine can significantly extend the lifetime of its hydraulic system.


Smart pump management for your Carat machines

The Smart Pump Management retrofit for your Carat die-casting machine can significantly extend the lifetime of its hydraulic system.

What is smart pump management?

Hydraulic system upgrade

Extend the lifetime of your die-casting hydraulic system

The Smart Pump Management system uses proportional valve technology to extend the lifetime of the Carat hydraulic system, delivering higher availability with lower maintenance costs. This retrofit is ideal for Carat machines built before April 2018.

Facts about smart pump management

4 Hours
Conversion time

The soft cut-in and cut-out of the pumps causes less wear on your hydraulic components and extending their lifetime.

Your benefits

Making our expertise work for you

Increase your availability
Less wear on hydraulic components by switching the hydraulic pumps on and off more smoothly leads to higher availability.
Lower maintenance costs
Extended lifetime of the hydraulic systems leads to lower maintenance costs.
Greater profitability and efficiency
Higher availability of your die-casting machine and lower maintenance and spare parts costs can deliver higher profitability.
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