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Batch roaster

Solano™ S

The Solano S batch roaster combines the proven multi-stage roasting process with a safe steam pasteurization option which can be used for granular products such as nuts, seeds or cocoa.

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Key benefits

Pasteurization for maximum food safety
The integrated steam pasteurization system processes the products gently, preserving the natural taste, texture and color of the nuts and seeds. A more than 5-log reduction is achieved for pathogens such as salmonella.
Sustainable system for high efficiency
The intelligent airflow control and the circulation of hot air makes it possible to roast at low temperatures, saving energy by up to 70%.
Premium and uniform roasting quality
Create unique tastes, textures and colors with the multi-stage roasting profile. A reproducible and homogeneous roast degree is reached for every batch.

Highlight features

Superior hot-air roaster

High flexibility with multiple functions

The combination of the patented multi-stage roasting process and the patented steam pasteurization technology, which achieves a greater than 5-log reduction of harmful microorganisms such as salmonella, provide increased flexibility. The Solano S complies with the latest standards for modern pasteurization technology and can be adjusted to meet a wide range of requirements.

Batch system

Uniform and controlled roast quality and kill-step

Any combination of roasting time, temperature and the option of direct steam injection for safe pasteurization is possible in batch operation. Using fluid-bed technology ensures that energy is distributed evenly between each individual nut, thus making it possible to achieve homogeneous and optimal aroma and taste for the entire batch.

Multi-stage roasting

Taste and shelf life

The multi-stage roasting process, developed and patented by Bühler, largely preserves the microstructure of the nuts and thus achieves an unparalleled shelf life. The speed at which nuts oxidize can be reduced by a factor of between two and ten when compared to conventional roasting processes.

Food safety

Pasteurization without roasting

Safe pasteurization and high product quality are achieved through controlled condensation of saturated steam on the surface of the product. This is achieved by directing steam into the roasting chamber for a defined period of time and at multiple locations after a defined pre-heating phase. Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonellaare consistently reduced by more than 5 log.

Hydrogen power unit

CO2 emission-free roasting process

The Solano S is now ready to run on hydrogen. The new power unit offers a path to a roasting process without CO2 emissions. On the other side of the energy value-chain we observe a clear development towards greenly produced hydrogen, using exponentially more hydroelectrical and solar power instead of gas. Hydrogen as an alternative energy source is an important step towards the energy transition.

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