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DDH – Husk separation

Our DDH - dry dehusking - package includes grinding with the Maltomat III grist mill in combination with starch recovery from husks with the vibro sieving machine and offers economical and qualitative benefits by increasing brewing house capacities.

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Key benefits

Improved beer processing
Compensation for the fluctuating quality of raw material such as six-row barley malt.
Brewing house efficiency
Removing the husks increases the yield by up to 2.5% and brewing house capacities by up to 10%.
Energy saving
Make energy savings of 50% and reduced maintenance efforts compared to conventional hammer milling.

Boost your process, increase your beer quality

The big idea

Husk separation revisited

By replacing the hammer mill with a roller mill in mash filtration applications, brewing house capacities are increased by up to 10%, differences in malt quality are compensated for, significant energy savings are achieved, there is less wear and a reduced risk of explosions.

Polymerization index drops

Why we rely on husk separation

Fewer husk particles means less polyphenol leaching, improved beer taste and longer shelf life.


The first step

First the malt is ground by the Maltomat III. Available in three packages, the Maltomat can cover throughputs of 4 to 15 tonnes per hour. The core of the machine is the sieve box – this separates the grist, flour, and husk, with two large husk sieves for accurate husk separation.


Percentages that make all the difference

After passing through the grist mill, the product flows into a vibro sieving machine. While the husks are filtered out by the rotation of the sieve, the recovered starch flows through the machine and on into the mash tun where the brewing process continues.

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