Food, feed & confectioneryAdvanced materials
Efficiently remove a range of defects including discolored beans, immature and insect damaged as well as various foreign materials such as glass, stones, plastic and foreign materials of the same color, like sticks. Find optical color sorters for coffee below!
Green Coffee Sorting
Foreign Material Removal
Green Coffee Sorting for Specialty Coffee Standards
Removing typical color defects at exporting stage to achieve required quality levels for Arabica and Robusta. Our machines are designed to process highest throughput and to operate reliably and at high performance in the harsh environment of a coffee mill.
Removing foreign material to ensure hightest food safety, protect your breand and avoid breakdowns of coffee process equipment such as grinders. Furthermore the color sortor can be paired with mechanical cleaning equipment to improve the overall yield of the cleaning line.
The machines are designed to achieve the highest quality, reject little product and simultaneously provide real time data insights.
SORTEX A LumoVision to remove invisible/difficult second grade defects. For this step we used our SORTEX A LumoVision systems Infared technology.
The SORTEX optical sorter range removes typical and challenging defects such as over-roasted and under-roasted coffee defects and foreign materials such as sticks and stones.