Biorefinery. Get the most out of every grain.

With over 160 years of milling expertise and more than 20 years of experience in grain-based biorefineries, Bühler is uniquely positioned to support the industry.

Revolutionize your upstream processing with eco-efficiency. Our advanced milling solutions are designed to maximize the value of every part of the grain. Tailored to separate out each component – starch and protein, fiber, and oils – so that these can be further converted into a wide variety of bio-based products and biofuels.


Biorefinery. Get the most out of every grain.

With over 160 years of milling expertise and more than 20 years of experience in grain-based biorefineries, Bühler is uniquely positioned to support the industry.

Revolutionize your upstream processing with eco-efficiency. Our advanced milling solutions are designed to maximize the value of every part of the grain. Tailored to separate out each component – starch and protein, fiber, and oils – so that these can be further converted into a wide variety of bio-based products and biofuels.

Increase profitability and improve sustainability

As a global leader in grain processing, we help you to bridge the gap between commercial profitability and environmental responsibility. With our solutions you can leverage the circular economy to ensure that nothing goes to waste, and every side stream is fully valorized.

By implementing our customized solutions for upstream processing and finished products, you are not just optimizing your production line; you are setting a benchmark for sustainability and energy efficiency while simultaneously unlocking new revenue streams.

For example, by separating non-fermentable fibers from the starchy endosperm you can streamline your ethanol production, increase capacity, and significantly reduce the energy required for drying the finished products.

What makes us the best partner for you?

Unique expertise
We are one of the leading solution providers for grain-based biorefinery. We have successfully realized unique solutions in more than 50 large-scale projects globally. Together with you we can develop customized solutions that meet your specific requirements.
Valorize side streams into new products
Our partner ecosystem and global network within the food industry covers the value chain from grain-based raw materials to finalized products. Combined with our process expertise, we can support you in developing new food and feed products and entering new markets.
Keep your plant running 24/7
We understand the importance of keeping your plant up and running. Operate your plant 24/7 with our fully automated process lines and get maintenance support from our local engineers whenever needed, worldwide.

Where can we suppprt you:

Customer success: Pannonia Bio

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How can we help?

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