Automatic feed system

State-of-the-art feed control

Retrofitted to your mill, our automatic feed system ensures reliable operation, protecting against dry running on a wide range of machines.

Automatic feed system

State-of-the-art feed control

Retrofitted to your mill, our automatic feed system ensures reliable operation, protecting against dry running on a wide range of machines.

Reliable, automatic control and protection of your mill

The ultrasonic sensors in our automatic feed system ensures optimal feed monitoring and control while protecting against damage caused by dry running. Easy installation ensures machines quickly benefit from easier handling and improved reliability.

Facts about our state-of-the-art automatic feed system

1 Day
100 %
dry run protection
100 %
product level monitoring

Product levels are prevented from falling too low by automatic monitoring, avoiding costly damage caused from dry running.

Knowing your mill is properly protected means that you can leave it work unmanned, confident it will not be damaged.

This automatic feed system works with a wide range of conveying systems, including pumps, tub tilting and press-out devices.

The one-day installation of our automatic feed system is available for a wide range of three-roll mills.

Powerful miniature ultrasonic sensors ensure that the retrofit to your mill is unobtrusive.

Your benefits

Making our expertise work for you

Improved product supply
By automatically monitoring product levels with our tried-and-tested automatic feed system.
Protect against damage
By automatically stopping your mill before product levels fall to a critical level and dry running causes damage.
Simplify machine operation
By fully automating the product level monitoring process so you can safely rely on unmanned operation.
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Gupfenstrasse 5